Spring, music… and a festival at every turn
Festivals is big business on the Cape West Coast, and with good reason. Few get-togethers are as woven into the fabric of South African society as a good old opskop celebrating the produce, people and culture of a region. At each festival brands and local businesses get the chance to showcase their products and gain new customers – sometimes from many kilometres away. Similarly, city dwellers get the opportunity to buy and enjoy goods not readily available in Cape Town. It’s a win-win for everyone with good music and local West coast cuisine to boot.
Here are some of the upcoming festivals arriving with spring, with many more in the pipeline when the official Festive Season kicks off in December.
!Khwa ttu Heritage Festival
As per their website, the Khwa ttu San Culture and Education Centre “combines adventure, relaxation and education to leave a lasting impressing and a new understanding of the phrase ‘San Spirit Shared’”. The centre is located a short drive from Yzerfontein with Table Mountain visible in te distance on a clear day.
For the 3rd year running the centre is hosting the Heritage Festival where the whole family can discover and experience San culture first-hand. Starting on the dance floor, festival goers will get the chance to learn traditional Bushmen krump and riel dance moves. After the makietie, you can take a tractor ride to the replica San village for animal tracking and San language lessons. By now you would have worked up a thirst, but not to worry, next on the schedule is homemade herbal tea tastings.

The festival takes place from 21 – 24 September 2019.
More Details: https://www.khwattu.org/things-to-do/family-fun-at-khwa-ttu/
Hopefield Fynbos Skou
The annual Hopefield Fynbos Skou prides itself on being ‘For the Community by the Community. Held in Hopefield the driving force is the preservation of the area’s precious biodiversity zones by showing and remining everyone of Fynbos’s spectacular beauty. The flower exhibition is known as one of the best in South Africa featuring plants from the Renosterveld, Rietveld, Sandveld en Vleiland.
But flowers are not the only living wonders on display. On each day of the festival sheep shearing will take place for the entire day showing off the skills of the local shearers, and the wool of the region’s sheep.
The festival takes place from 29 August – 1 September 2019.
Wolfkop Weekender
Whoever said camping is not a worthy cause for celebration? Offering 600 happy campers the opportunity to discover one of the best-kept secret camping spots on the West Coast, the organisers of the Wolfkop Weekender will provide music and wholesome food, but urges festival goers to explore this part of the Citrusdal Valley by themselves.
The names of the camping grounds (see the map below) tell stories of their own. For the weekend, you can choose to pitch your tent either in the Berry Fields or next door in the Golden Valley. For the truly adventurous, the Hidden Valley awaits.

The Wolfkop Weekender takes place from 20 – 24 September 2019.
MORE INFO: http://www.wolfkopweekender.co.za/
Next Month:
Rocking The Daisies – 4-6 October 2019

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