Mortar SA
Who we are and why we offer the dry mix mortar advantage
Dry Mix Mortar for Brick or Block Construction
Ready Mix Plaster for Walls and Screed applications
Most reputable building contractors and developers ensure that they purchase good quality bricks or blocks of the required strength but, the mixing of the mortar on site, even with the supervision of the foreman, is in most cases left to unskilled labour.
While there may be the best intentions on the construction site, the reality is that the strength of the mortar varies considerably from too strong to too weak. This is one of the major reasons for shrinkage cracks appearing in the structure. It makes little sense to build good quality bricks or blocks into an inconsistent mortar mix of which you have no guarantee of the strength at the end of the day.
Mortar SA (Pty) Ltd was founded in 2005 after the directors spent time in Europe evaluating the dry mix concept so widely used throughout that continent. Realising that the concept could play a huge role in improving build quality in South Africa, they started planning a local factory.
A pilot program was soon started in Darling, Cape Town to introduce the concept to the South African building industry with the intention to make this revolutionary product available nationwide within ten years. Using internationally accepted principles, the plant in Darling was designed and built by South African engineers and companies to provide a South African Mortar Solution.
We now have a large factory in Darling with a capacity of 1500 tons of Dry Mortar Mix per day.
With an ongoing product development program Mortar SA helps to ensure the highest quality standards from large building sites to Mr DIY at home.
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